Aether Series (2016-2018)

My work evokes multi-sensory experiences heightened in solitude, creating a space that is quiet – but also rich with emotion and memory. This series of paintings started as a meditation on the role natural silence plays in personal well-being. Over the past several years, I have been re-forging my connection with nature through spending time in wild places and reflecting back on those experiences through painting.

To create these paintings, I build up dozens of layers of color on wet canvas by brushing small amounts of acrylic paint with other media. The resulting richness, subtlety, and depth of color push the limitations of acrylic media.  


Free Time Series (2016-2018)

I am always looking up. So, although these paintings are not specific representations of place, they are an abstract reference to sky and weather. I grew up in Minnesota and have kept this place as my home base for more than 30 years, so I am intensely aware of environmental changes that are affecting ecosystems in this region. Weather is the ultimate in small talk, but what once was an effortless topic can now be a point of polarization and anxiety because of climate change. We chat about the weather as a safe subject, perhaps, but also because weather is important to us physically and psychologically. 


Solitude Series (2015-2018)


Silence & Sensory Series (2014-2017)


Immerse Series (2014-2016)