1. Every Moment is All of Eternity
Date: 2021
Media: acrylic and water from condensed ambient air on canvas
Size: 40" x 30"
This painting shows the quality and technical ability of my current work. I use brushes to apply ultra-thin layers of acrylic paint onto wet canvas (or other materials) and work the surface with brushes until each layer is completely dry.

 2. Sky Parameters - Overall Air Composition
Date: 2019
Media: acrylic on canvas
Size; 60" x 96"
'Sky Parameters' is a previous project early in my collaboration with atmospheric chemist Dr. Dylan Millet. Out of that initial collaboration grew a body of seven infographic paintings based on a snapshot of scientific data of air composition in the Troposphere in Hennepin County, where I live and work. This piece is a representation of the overall air composition we breathe across the planet: 78.09% nitrogen (midnight blue), 20.95% oxygen (royal blue), 0.93% argon (teal), and 0.04% corresponds to all of the other chemicals (fluorescent yellow line) – the compounds that contribute to climate change, smog, visibility, and other respiratory issues. Other paintings in this series break out chemicals that are found in this small percentage, and the colors depict emissions sources in Hennepin County using EPA emissions data most recently gathered in 2014.

3. Leaf Portrait – No. 23 of 27
Date: 2022
Media: acrylic and water from condensed ambient air on canvas
Size: 30" x 10"
The Leaf Portrait paintings correspond to the unique signature of monoterpene gases that Ponderosa pine needles emitted during photosynthesis, as studied in 2020-21 by Dr. Mj Riches. I have chosen to create these works in a tall format to evoke the verticality of the pine forest, and how this thin height is replicated among the leaves. Each Leaf Portrait painting began by replicating a column from the chart of leaf data that Dr. Riches generated, which shows emissions of four types of monoterpene gases. Through the process of layering thin layers of paint with brushes, my own reverence of the forest itself shows through the blurring of this factual info. Like a fractal whose pattern replicates at various scales, these representations not only show the atmospheric fingerprint of tiny leaves but also capture the vast wonder and variability within the forest ecosystem as a whole – as a broader impression of landscape.

4. Expectation + Duality
Date: 2021
Media: acrylic and water from condensed ambient air on hand-dyed canvas
Size: 28" x 28"
This painting represents my current exploration incorporating dyed surfaces and is inspired by working with the scientific research team. It represents the difference between the simplicity of what the researchers planned for in the field versus the complexities of multifaceted interactions. I'm thinking through this series of paintings similarly—as approaching life with a perceived sense of control. On one hand, we have certain expectations of any situation (or experiment), and on the other, we have whatever is actually there. So these paintings are trying to express that dissonance between expectation and experience. Aren't we all scientists in search of the truth in our own lives?

5. Wildfire Suppression - No. 1
Date: 2020
Media: acrylic and water from condensed ambient air on linen
Size: 28" x 22"
The 'Wildfire Suppression' series reflects on the California Wildfires of 2020 as an ecological disaster and a metaphor for gaps in – or perhaps willfully forgotten or suppressed – cultural knowledge. Blind spots, shaped by the capitalist patriarchy, influence how we relate to one another and how we treat the planet. The year of 2020 highlighted the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories – as well as uncovered for a wider set of the population knowledge that fueled the uprising against white supremacy, state-sanctioned violence, and systemic racism. Part of each painting in this series is removed, symbolizing gaps in knowledge or traditional wisdom forgotten or repressed.